The Step-by-Step Guide to Training Your Dog the "Come" Command

The Step-by-Step Guide to Training Your Dog the "Come" Command

Having a dog is a wonderful way to create life experiences, but it is all too important to get the basics right when it comes to responding to commands. 

They don't have to win agility competitions or do funny party tricks, but all dogs should have behavioural guard rails. 

This is where training comes in. 


The "Come" Command: Learning to walk (or come) before you leap! 


Today's focus: the mighty "come" command. Now let's dive into the 'why' and 'how' of training your dog to come to you.


Why is "Come" So Important?

First things first, why bother with this command?

Well, picture this – your doggie spots a squirrel, gets a little too excited, and decides to explore the world solo – maybe on the other side of a busy road.

The ability to call them back in an instant is now the only thing that matters, ensuring their safety and your peace of mind. It's not just about control; it's about keeping the adventures safe and sound.


The Scoop on Reward-Based Training

Now, let's talk strategy. Enter the world of reward-based training, aka positive reinforcement.

Here's the lowdown – reward them when they do what you want. This basically tells them, "Hey, that was awesome! Let's do it again." Simple, effective, and it turns training into a game.  Dogs like games.

The beauty of reward-based training lies in its efficacy and kindness. Unlike punitive measures, positive reinforcement fosters a positive learning experience for your dog. It not only accelerates the learning process but also ensures that the lessons stick, creating a positive association with what you want to happen.


Rewards based training: a little nibble can go a long way


How to Make it Work: Step-by-Step Guide

Now, let's break it down into steps even a pup could understand:

  1. Choose the Right Spot: Start in a quiet area, minimal distractions – your living room or garden works like a charm.

  2. Be the Cheerleader: Your dog wants to come to you if you're the life of the party. So, back away, kneel down, arms wide open, and unleash your cheeriest "come" command. Remember, enthusiasm is contagious.

  3. Rewards Galore: When they heed your call, shower them with praise and a tiny, healthy treat (hint: BarkyBakey baking mix can be used to make a whole bowl full of treats;). Early on, every successful "come" deserves a reward. As they ace it, you can dial down on treats gradually.

  4. Graduate to Greater Distances: Once they get the basics, amp up the challenge. Move farther away before calling them. Venture out to parks for real-world recall drills. Change up how long they have to wait, the distances to cover and sprinkle in more real-world distractions. Eventually, they’ve ‘seen it all’.

Keep it short, simple and focused. Oh and don't forget a quick reward!


Golden Rules to Keep in Mind

Now, let's embrace the golden rules of this training game:

  • Know Their Preferences: Treats, praise, or maybe a favourite toy – rewards come in all shapes and sizes to them so figure out what rocks your dog's world. Make the prize irresistible.

  • Perfect Timing is Non-Negotiable: Link the reward with the behavior. Immediate rewards reinforce the connection between action and treat – reward within less than a second.

  • Short and Sweet Sessions: Start with 2 minutes, then 4, and so on.  Attention spans vary, so keep it short. Also - always end on a high note.  This leaves them with a positive, can-do last memory that will mill over in their minds until next time. Quality over quantity!

  • One Command at a Time: Master "come" before diving into a doggy dictionary. No multi-tasking. 

  • Stay Positive, Ignore Oops Moments: Dogs, like us, goof up – it's part of the learning curve. Brush off mistakes, focus on the wins.  

  • No to Punishment, Yes to Fun: Say no to yelling or gadgets of doom like choke chains and rattle cans. Positive vibes, fun sessions, and a sprinkle of treats – that's the magic potion. Same with us, right?

  • A Unified Front:: Everyone in your dog's life should speak the same language. This is especially important within the family. Consistent commands and rewards avoid confusion.

  • Treat them right. Stick with healthy treats like BarkyBakey and make them go farther by rolling into thinner, smaller bitesize pieces. Storing in freezer keeps them fresh for months.

Small, nutritious treats and a lasting relationship between command & action 


Training Classes: A Pawesome Option

Once vaccinations are in check, consider joining training classes. It's a great way for them to socialize and for you to learn from the pros. Check out places like for trustworthy training options. 

Dogs, like us, are social creatures and the earlier they are positively exposed to different environments, people, animals, sights, smells etc, the better. 

And behaviour is largely learned, so training and socialisation classes help them to learn how to communicate like a dog, from a (well-behaved) dog. 

Wrapping up: A Happy and Secure Bond

In a nutshell, mastering the "come" command is a safety net and a celebration of your bond. It should be one of the first commands your dog learns.

As you embark on this journey of training, remember that patience, consistency, and positivity are the way to go.

So, gather your BarkyBakey treats, summon your inner cheerleader, and make each training sesh a celebration of your beautiful connection.

Happy training! 🐾



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